My services.
Franchise Owner/Executive Workshop: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
One incident can damage a brand’s reputation overnight, if not handled properly. In my experience, most reputational crises faced by businesses have one thing in common - they’re self-inflicted. During this 2-hour workshop, I pull from decades of experience to help business owners and leadership teams identify how to prevent issues from igniting, and how to respond quickly during a reputational crisis. Participants will leave with the knowledge needed to build their own crisis plan.
Keynote: Leadership from the Inside Out
“Nobody wants to work anymore” is a refrain we’ve heard often recently. The truth is that it’s been used by frustrated employers since the late 1800s. Maybe people just don’t want to work for you. In this refreshingly candid presentation, I encourage leaders to look inward to find the ways to build a business that people want to work for.
My Audiences
I have provided customized presentations to a wide variety of global audiences, including:
Agri-Food Americas 2024, Alltech Annual Symposium, Animal Agriculture Alliance, Association of Government Risk Pools, Board Leaders, Domino’s Pizza (Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Netherlands, UK, US), Franchise Update Media’s Franchise Customer Experience Conference, Health Alliance Plan (HAP), HJ Heinz Global Communications Conference, International Association of Business Communicators (multiple), International Association of Fairs and Expositions, International Franchise Association (Emerging Franchisors Conference), Johnny Rockets’ 25th Anniversary Franchisee Convention, Marketing 50, National Pork Producers Conference, National PRSSA Conference, Nationwide Insurance Marketing University, Northwestern University (Kellogg Management School Marketing Symposium); Public Relations Society of America (regional chapters), Public Relations Student Society of America (regional chapters), Ragan Communications Media Relations Summit, University of Michigan Executive MBA Program, University of Notre Dame Corporate Communications Conference, U.S. Dairy Producers National Conference
“What an absolute pleasure to have you both host and teach us over that 48 hour time period. Sharing from the heart and from your vast experience. Your insights will help to secure our businesses for years to come.”
Franchise Owner, Conference Attendee, Canada
“The closing session was my favorite…(Tim) was excellent and really dove into case studies with solutions that can help any franchisee or franchisor.
IFA Conference Attendee
“I can’t tell you how many people shared how your presentation really affected them personally. The humble beginnings and the judgment pieces really aligned with a lot of our team. They were inspired, encouraged, and now empowered to know that they can make a difference.”
Franchise Conference Organizer
“Your presence as our MC was truly inspiring and you brought a sense of fun and joy to the event. The way you made our team laugh was incredible and…you truly made everyone feel special.”
Franchise Conference Organizer
“The best speaker I have ever witnessed…a moving and very honest speech (that) made me cry. So fortunate to have witnessed his speech that doesn’t only apply professionally but in our everyday lives too.”
Franchise Conference Attendee
Strategy and execution.
Employee and franchisee communication strategy
Keeping your core internal audiences informed and engaged is essential in today’s competitive environment. I can help you analyze your challenge, hone your messages, and determine the media to ensure the best reach.
External communication strategy and media messaging
I was named “Communicator of the Year” by the International Association of Business Communicators/Detroit. With decades of experience, I can help you create messaging that resonates and helps you grow your business.
Crisis communications preparation and response
I was named “Crisis Manager of the Year” for 2009 by PR News. I can help you analyze your business for potential issues and can provide emergency support if needed. In addition to my workshop (detailed at right), I can help franchise owners and leadership teams build their brand’s crisis management and communication plans.
C-suite/executive-level presentations and scripts
A CEO called me the “voice and pen" of the brand. For decades, I’ve written key communications & speeches for CEOs and leadership teams, with audiences ranging from franchisees to investors and legislators, and with topics ranging from new product launches to leadership changes and company restructures.
Corporate event support
I have been the communication lead on events with audiences reaching 10,000. With my backstage and onstage experience, plus my access to some of the best production talent in the industry, I can help you create compelling content and inspire your audiences, no matter how big or small.
Presentation Training
Great communication makes things happen - it can create unity, change minds, win over skeptics and inspire action. My training class – “Stand Up to Stand Out” – is engaging, funny and provides real help for those who think presentations are punishment rather than a chance to make a difference.